Global Research & Marketing Consultants

10 Points on Creating a Quantitative Survey

Creating a quantitative survey requires careful planning and design to ensure that you collect meaningful and actionable data. Here are 10 points to consider when creating a quantitative survey:

1. Define Your Objectives:

Clearly outline the goals and objectives of your survey. What specific information are you trying to gather, and what decisions will be influenced by the data you collect?Uncovering Success: Top 5 Market Research Methods for Your Business http://Uncovering Success: Top 5 Market Research Methods for Your Business


2. Select Your Target Audience:

 Identify the group of people you want to survey. Consider demographics, such as age, gender, location, and any other relevant characteristics that will help you reach your intended audience.

3. Develop Clear and Concise Questions:

Craft well-worded questions that are easy to understand. Use simple language and avoid jargon. Questions should be specific and directly related to your research objectives.

4. Choose the Right Question Types:

Different types of questions include multiple-choice, Likert scale, open-ended, and yes/no. Select the appropriate question types based on the information you need and the response format that suits your analysis.

5. Randomize and Rotate Responses:

To minimize order bias, randomize the order of response options and rotate answer choices for multiple-choice questions. This helps ensure that response patterns aren’t influenced by question order.

6. Pilot Test the Survey:

Before launching the survey, conduct a pilot test with a small group of individuals who resemble your target audience. This helps you identify and address any issues with question clarity, wording, or response options.

7. Consider Response Scales:

When using Likert scales (e.g., strongly agree to strongly disagree), make sure the scale is balanced and has a neutral midpoint. Be consistent with the number of scale points used throughout the survey.

8. Include Screening Questions:

If necessary, include screening questions to ensure respondents meet specific criteria, such as age or experience, before proceeding with the main survey.

9. Ensure Logical Flow:

Organize your survey questions in a logical sequence. Start with easy, introductory questions before moving to more complex ones. Use skip logic or branching to direct respondents to relevant sections based on their answers.

10. Test for Reliability and Validity:

Assess the reliability (consistency) and validity (accuracy) of your survey by using established measurement techniques and statistical analysis. Ensure that the survey reliably measures what it’s intended to measure and that it’s valid for your research objectives.

Bonus Tips:

11. Consider Mobile Compatibility:

As many people access surveys on mobile devices, ensure that your survey platform is mobile-friendly for a better user experience.

12. Set a Realistic Length:

Keep your survey reasonably short to avoid respondent fatigue. Long surveys may result in incomplete responses or higher dropout rates.

13. Plan for Data Analysis:

Before collecting data, determine how you’ll analyze and interpret the results. This will help you design questions and response options that align with your analysis needs.

14. Ethical Considerations:

Follow ethical guidelines when conducting surveys, including obtaining informed consent, protecting respondent privacy, and ensuring data security.

15. Pilot Again After Edits:

After making revisions based on the initial pilot test, conduct another pilot test to ensure that the changes have improved the survey’s quality.

Creating a quantitative survey is a meticulous process that involves careful planning and attention to detail. By following these points and best practices, you can design a survey that yields reliable and actionable data for your research or decision-making needs.

About Global Research & Marketing Conslutants:

Global Research and Marketing Consultants, Limited (GRMC, Ltd.) is an eclectic Network of skilled professionals committed to providing exceptional, accurate and cost saving local business intelligence, Research and Marketing Services. GRMC, Ltd. has a proven track record of delivering exceptional services for over 10 years. Our team has worked in the Bahamas, regionally, and internationally for governments and private corporations over a wide sector delivering top quality bespoke solutions.

Our intimate knowledge of the local landscape has saved many companies thousands of dollars in man-hour reductions. We believe our success should be tied to our clients’ success and this is reflected in our pricings. GRMC, Ltd., is your most efficient cost saving Partners in doing business.

(Focus Group) is by definition exploratory, and it is used when we don’t know what to expect, to define the problem or develop an approach to the problem. It’s also used to go deeper into issues of interest and explore nuances related to the problem at hand. Common data collection methods used in qualitative research are focus groups and in-depth interviews.

Our team can create screener guides, moderation guide, recruit, moderate, (or contract a moderator, record video and audio provide transcript and a summary or full report.

  • We use non-traditional facilities to conduct focus groups around the Caribbean region.
  • Technology now permits us to stream live to our more than two observers, while observers can comment online in real time with the moderator.
  • Video and Audio recordings can be downloaded in different file formats or viewed online.
  • A full transcript in English can be made available if required by the client.

Global Research & Marketing Consultants also conduct online/Virtual Focus Groups, Triads, Dyads or IDI’s with respondents from multiple locations. These interviews can be streamed in real time and recorded for review later. Virtual Non-traditional online facilities are developed which allow our observers/client to see participants expressions and communicate with moderator through another portal.